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Recurring Tasks (Task Manager Feature Requests)

Corvin Adkins 7 years ago updated by Piotr 6 years ago 6

Have the ability to have tasks that reoccur at intervals (which can be set either as a fixed date or variable 'smart' date') be part of the task manager.  Example: take out trash every week on Friday (this would be considered a variable 'smart date'), Go Grocery Shopping on the 15th of every month (a fixed date).   


Bulk Delete Chat Messages, Topics, Tasks and Notifications

Ben 6 years ago updated by Patrick Chu 4 years ago 3

Sometimes, for whatever reason, we need to be able to delete more than one message, topic, task or notification.  If it's only a couple it's no big deal.  But if it's more than a few, it's very annoying and time consuming to have to do it one by one.  Would be nice to be able to delete anything in Ryver with a system similar to when you pick a few chat messages and convert them to a topic or task.


Notification keywords

neil bobkowski 6 years ago 0

Allow users to define keywords for notifications.  This would be a mirror of Slack's "My Keywords" ability within the Notifications settings.  Essentially a user can define a list of keywords (such as "emergency").  Then anytime that word is used in a Forum or Topic the users gets a notification.


Improve task creation procedures and reduce clicks

Ben 6 years ago updated by Alejandro Llorente 6 years ago 3
  1. Currently there's no way to assign a task to a User when creating a Task in Personal Tasks or in Direct Messages.  You can do that only from Teams and Forums (VERY BAD!!!).  You should be able to assign tasks to any users from ANYWHERE on Ryver.
  2. The Ryver /task command only brings up the task creation form popup.  It would be much better if using the /task command you could:
    1. Assign the task to one of more @users and have the asignees already appear in the task creation form once you press Enter.
    2. Write the Subject of the Task and have it already appear in the task creation form once you press Enter.
    3. Write the due date in Plain English (Friday 11:35 am, in 2 days, in 3 weeks, in 4 hours, etc) and have the due date already assigned in the task creation form once you press enter.
    4. Have the user pick a default due date (could be, for example, "Tomorrow 9 am" or "Tomorrow same time" and whenever no date info is entered in the command, have Ryver auto-assign the default due date.
  3. Once a Task is created, Ryver only gives a confirmation that such task was created if it was created in the user's own chat section and not when a task is created in a team of forum.  And the confirmation is not editable.  Instead, confirmations should:
    1. ALWAYS appear wherever you are.  If on another users chat, it should appear but stating "only visible to you".  In Forums or Teams it could appeare normally so everybody sees it.
    2. Should have the option to edit the task.  You should be able to quickly assign to other users, change title, change description, change due date, etc, etc.

Examples of a very useful Ryver Task creation command would be:

  • /task @user1 in 3 days SujectOfTheTask
  • /task @user1 @user2 in 4 hours SubjectOfTheTask
  • /task @user3 next Thursday SubjectOfTheTask
  • /task @user4 the first Monday of next month SubjectOfTheTask

Add more people to the programming team at Ryver so Product Ideas can be worked on faster

Ben 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

I just checked and there are only 38 completed product ideas out of 402 posted.  I know it's not easy to spend more money on people, but at the same time, improving the product not only improves the efficiency and power of the current users but also improves the chances of new customers liking Ryver more than Slack or other alternatives.


LaTeX extension to markdown

Alexei 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

It would be awesome to have the ability to include inline and displayed maths in chat and posts.

This is becoming a common extension to markdown in academic writing and would set Ryver apart and give you an edge in that market. Currently only Rocket.chat implements this nicely (there's a poorer implementation in Mattermost but it's mostly nonexistent in other apps). There's two well developed javascript libraries already to handle the typesetting: MathJax and KaTeX.


Taskbar Icon should show the number of unread messages

Ben 6 years ago updated by Lauren Mobilaxy 3 years ago 2

Both Slack and Whatsapp desktop clients show the number (or quantity) of unread messages.  Ryver doesn't.  Very strange.  This feature should be easy to add.


Ability to sort unread notifications by oldest or most recent, as required

Ben 6 years ago 0

Right now, the default sort for notifications is most recent first.  I usually have by default only the UNREAD notifications.  But when I have too many, it takes time to scroll down to the bottom.  

I would like to have a button to quickly sort by oldest one first or by most recent first, as the situation requires.


Ability for Admin to Reverse Chat or Topic Message Order

Ben 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Although most people in the world are used to the most recent message appearing below the last one (on the bottom), it could be more efficient to show the latest message above the last one.  Would avoid a lot of scrolling down.


Gantt Chart in Tasks

Eric Jacko 6 years ago updated by Nicolaas 5 years ago 3

Are there plans to make a gantt view for tasks? Additionaly, the main feature that i used in gantt charts was an estimated 'duration' entry as opposed to a due date. After the project was actually started, then I would populate the start and due dates (or the due date would be pre-populated due to the estimated duration)