User Roles should be expanded

OPS_Justin 6 years ago 0

We are having a situation where users are becoming notification deaf. That is due to the massive amount of notifications that hit based on certain situations. Having channels for different categories only goes so far since leadership also has to be in each of these channels. 

For my team we have channels based for each market we serve. Leadership is in each of these channels along with the agents for that service area. I have to send blasts using @team to each of these areas multiple times daily for the field teams to see. The result is that my leadership teams become deaf/numb at the amount of notifications they also get. Not enough clarity in what the ding is for. 

The fix that works with user messaging services I also admin is user roles. That way in a channel if I tag @rolename1 only users with that role get the notification while all members that also need access to that channel still have access. 

Discord does that type of control really well. You can have 20k users in a single channel and still better direct pings to user chunks based on role.