Your comments

What is the status on this given that 2FA and U2F is kind-of standard now across the web?

Ryver starts to look dated in the security department...

So what is the status on the administrative option for direct file uploads?

It's possible to disable uploads from all other services (Google drive, and Dropbox) but not into AWS. This makes absolutely no sense and is a backward logic considering content security. All the services that one can disable offer access right management and Ryver accesses them via its own OAuth (as far as I can see). This is HEAPS better than just relying on random naming on an AWS instance. If link to a file somehow leaks (may happen) then which version of file sharing is more secure?

How is it that it takes 3 years and nothing is done about it? There's not even an option to mass-remove files from a Ryver instance.