Your comments

For anyone that is coming from using SLACK, this is a must! I'm glad to see this is "planned."

I also look at Apple as a gauge for feature development. imho after the release of the iPhone Apple has typically been a laggard when it comes to technology. They wait until everyone else done it... and then they swoop in and do it better. They let everyone else struggle trying to get wearables right, then they brought the Apple watch with a new level of elegance and functionality (though now subpar.) The "command center" came to iOS several years after Android has that convenient tool. I could go on but this is not a blog. I have a simple point to make with all this...

I would say that the main focus of this next iOS release is what Apple is changing with their Messages app. They realized that this is the most used app on iphones across the world. Communication! They are adding this functionality so that you can add reactions to individual messages! Yay!

So I guess my point is that if Apple is a laggard in many cases, then having this feature available for people to be able to react to posts, is barely keeping up with real time communication status quo.