Your comments

This is a bug with our current Mobile app that we are addressing. Please report any such issues to and we will get back to you ASAP.

We have fixed a few issues in this area. The next desktop app update will fix the focus issue when moving between organizations.

Hi Austin - are you referring to the Direct Messages "List View" or the user names under the "Direct Messages" item on the Nav? When I click the "Direct Messages" item on the Navbar, the list is in alphabetical order based on Display Name. The name under Direct Messages can appear in Alpha order if you set this item in the "My Settings" | "Preferences" - "Pin Order". This will affect "Open Forum" and "Private Team" names as well.

Testing is going well and the app now gives correction options when your right-click the misspelled word. We are doing some final testing and hope to release the apps very soon.

Per feedback - we'll look into making the option more obvious

We do have "/" commands in the Chat window.
/post will slide in a "New Post" panel without leaving the chat area. When the post is complete - you return to the Chat window: