Your comments

One reason we show the account name without the full URL is so that people know what to put in the Desktop/Mobile apps when they are logging into an account there. We did update our Welcome email, trying to clarify the full URL for browser access, along with the Ryver account name on its own.

Do you find this any more clear?

When we introduce our Task Management premium feature, we intend to include a personal task mgr for free. Separate from that, we do like that /reminder feature in Slack. We'll be looking into adding a similar chat command that allows you to generate a custom notification for yourself or others, and optionally set it for a later date/time.

We do indeed like the Slack /remind command. We will look into providing something similar. Basically, it would allow you to raise a custom NOTIFICATION for yourself or others at a specified time. We need to do a little investigation into a good parser to handle the various time formats that could be provided.

This would probably be in addition to having a Reminder button for a particular chat message.


We do intend to offer the ability to plug in custom chat slash commands. Another option, though it requires some coding, is to use the Ryver Hubot adapter to implement your own Bot that watches for particular keywords, or just responds when directly addressed via @mention or Direct Message.

We'll look into this option. Please note that in the mean time, if you open up the chat roster side panel in the All Hands CHAT tab, you can see who all is online.