Your comments

That's an interesting use-case that we didn't think to test. Thank you for pointing it out! Perhaps we can just always add a newline at the end to make sure things don't get merged together.

In the relatively near term, we intend to add support for a watermark, showing where the unread messages start. We additionally will be looking into having an option to get a proper "notification" in the NOTIFICATIONS tab when you ahve new direct messages. We'll probably tie that to a user preference, and I'm not sure yet where we will get that scheduled in.

I'm sorry you're unable to install the app on your phone. We have tested devices back to 4.4.2. We currently support the two latest versions (6.0 and 5.x) officially, and would like to support as far back as possible, but at this time, we are unable to dedicate resources to maintaining support any further back than 4.4 KitKat.

When replying by email, we attempt to locate where the quoted text begins and exclude that from your response. Would you mind contacting us at There must be something related to the formatting of your email replies that we are not handling.

Could you please contact us at, or from our chat widget at Overall, we are not seeing performance issues, but there are various factors that can bring performance down. Some related to content, others related to network speed/latency.

Thank you for the feedback! We used to just have Teams, and you would create an Open Team or Private Team. People were getting confused by this choice they had to make when creating a team. At the time, Slack had them split into Channels and Private Groups. After much debate, and a split vote internally, we ended up splitting teams out into two separate things, introducing "Open Forums".

At this time, we intend to stay this way and not continue to waffle back and forth. Overall, we've had better response to them being split out. We have also seen an increase in customers who think Ryver would be a good replacement for traditional Forum software. We like that the current naming is helping grow that niche.

This feature was added after our Beta period when lots of people complained that they want to hang out in the chat view and see when there are new Posts. It is intended just as a friendly alert that somebody has just added a post in that team/forum.

We're going to make a couple of changes.

1. Make the message more subtle. The current is very "heavy" visually.

2. Provide an option to not have these messages auto-generated.